Kamis, 19 April 2018

Dark theme in Netbeans 7 or 8

Netbeans 8

Tools -> Options -> Appearance (Look & Feel Tab)
(NetBeans -> Preferences -> Appearance (Look & Feel Tab) on OS X)

Netbeans 7.x

Tools -> Plugins -> Available -> Dark Look and Feel - Install this plugin.
Once this plugin is installed, restarting netbeans should automatically switch to Dark Metal.
There are 2 themes that comes with this plugin - Dark Metal & Dark Nimbus
In order to switch themes, use the below option :
Tools -> Options -> Miscellaneous -> Windows -> Preferred Look & Feel option
enter image description here


UPDATE 2016-02: NetBeans 8 now has a Darcula plugin, better and more complete than the alternatives discussed in old version of this Answer.

The attractive and productive Darcula theme in JetBrains IntelliJ is now available in NetBeans 8.0 & 8.1!

The Real Thing

This plugin provides the real Darcula, not an imitation.
Konstantin Bulenkov of the JetBrains company made the Darcula look-and-feel open-source. This NetBeans plugin discussed here wraps that original implementation, adapting it to NetBeans. So we see close fidelity to the original Darcula. [By the way, there are many other reasons beyond Darcula to use IntelliJ – both IntelliJ and NetBeans are truly excellent and amazing products.]
This NetBeans plugin is itself open-source as well.


Comes in two parts:
  • A plugin
  • A Fonts & Colors profile


The plugin Darcula LAF for NetBeans is easily available through the usual directory within NetBeans.
Choose Tools > Plugins. On the Available Plugins tab, scroll or search for "Darcula LAF for NetBeans". As per usual, check the checkbox and click the Install button. Restart NetBeans.
enter image description here


  1. In NetBeans > Preferences > Fonts & Colors (tab) > Profile (popup menu), choose the new Darcula item.
  2. Click the Apply button.
I suggest also hitting Duplicate in case you ever make any modifications (discussed below).
enter image description here

Fix overly-bright background colors

You may find the background color of lines of code may be too bright such as lines marked with a breakpoint, or the currently executing line in the debugger. These are categories listed on the Annotations tab of the Fonts & Colors tab.
Of course you can change the background color of each Category manually but that is tedious.
Workaround: Click the Restore button found to the right of the Profile name. Double-check to make sure you have Darcula as the selected Profile of course. Then click the Apply and OK buttons at the bottom.
enter image description here


You may want to change the font in the method editor. I most highly recommend the commercial font for programmers, PragmataPro. For a free-of-cost and open-source font, the best is Hack. Hack was built on the very successful DejaVu font which in turn was built on Bitstream Vera.
To change the font, add these steps to the above to duplicate the profile as a backup before making your modification:
  1. Click the Duplicate button.
  2. Save the duplicate with a different name such as appending your name.
    Example: “Darcula - Juliette”.
  3. Click the Apply button.
While in that same Fonts & Colors tab, select Default in the Category list and hit the button to choose a font.
You might also want to change the font seen in the Output and the Terminal panes. From that Fonts & Colors tab, switch to the sibling tab Miscellaneous. Then see both the Output tab and the Terminal tab.

Experience So Far

While still new I am reserving final judgement on Darcula. So far, so good. Already the makers have had a few updates fixing a few glitches, so that is good to see. This seems to be a very thorough product. As a plugin this affects the entire user interface of NetBeans; that can be very tricky to get right.
There was a similar plugin product predating Darcula: the “Dark Look And Feel Themes” plugin. While I was grateful to use that for a while, I am much happier with Darcula. That other one was more clunky and I had to spend much time tweaking colors of “Norway Today” to work together. Also, that plugin was not savvy with Mac OS X menus so the main Mac menu bar was nearly empty while NetBeans’ own menu bar was embedded within the window. The Darcula plugin has no such problem; the Mac menu bar appears normally.

The rest of this Answer is left intact for history, and for alternatives if Darcula proves problematic.

NetBeans 8 – Dark Editor

At least in NetBeans 8.0, two dark profiles are now built-in. Profile names:
  • Norway Today
  • City Lights
The profiles affect only the code editing pane, not the entire NetBeans user-interface. That should mean much less risk of side-effects and bugs than a plugin.

Norway Today

screen shot of NetBeans editor using the dark profile 'Norway Today'

City Lights

screen shot of NetBeans editor using the dark profile 'City Lights'
Tip: You can alter the font in either theme, while preserving the other aspects. Perhaps Menlo on a Mac, or its parent DejaVu. Or my fav, the commercial font Pragmata.
Unfortunately, neither theme suits my eyes. They do not begin to compare to the excellent Darcula theme in JetBrains IntelliJ.

Choose Profile in Font Settings

On a Mac, the menu path is Netbeans > Preferences > Fonts & Colors (tab) > Profile (popup menu).
On other host operating systems, the menu path may be Tools > Options > Fonts & Colors. Not sure, but it was so in previous versions.
screen shot of picking either of the built-in dark themes in NetBeans 8 Prefences > Fonts & Colors > Profile pop-up menu

And then there is the original plugin ez-on-da-ice. Better yet, you can complain to me directly if there are issues. I promise you, I am mostly very responsive :).
enter image description here

Sumber : http://plugins.netbeans.org/plugin/40985/ez-on-da-ice
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Cara Install Tema di NetBeans 7.4


You have to import the theme through options.
  1. Download the theme from there
  2. Start NetBeans an go to the Options (Tools -> Options)
  3. Import the theme settings (Import...)
  4. Select the downloaded archive; if net selected yet, select all
  5. Ok
If your theme doesn't change, you can change themes in Options -> Fonts & Colors -> Profile.

In NetBeans 8.2
  • Tools > Options
  • Press the "Import" button
  • Browse the theme
  • Press ok enter image description here
Sumber : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29778967/how-to-install-sublime-monokai-theme-in-netbeans-8?utm_medium=organic&utm_source=google_rich_qa&utm_campaign=google_rich_qa


Installing a 3rd Party Plugin

Doc Contributor: Cydey

[[{TableOfContentsTitle=TableOfContents} | {TableOfContents title='Table of Contents'}]]


Installing a 3rd party plugin is very simple but this tutorial is meant to make it even simpler.

Downloading the Netbeans Plugin

File:NetBeans Plugin Portal
  • Search for a module you want to install. In this example, we will use the iReport NetBeans Module.
File:NetBeans IReport Module
  • Clicking the Download button bring you to the associated NetBeans Module download site.
  • Follow the module instructions to download the module as a .nbm file. In some instances, a .zip file will be downloaded and the .nbm file(s) would need to be extracted. A pop-up window would eventually open as part of the installation process asking for the download destination. Note that you can create a separate folder which would contain all the NetBeans modules you wish to install.

Installing the Netbeans Plugin

1. Open the Netbeans IDE. (Netbeans 6.7.1 used in the images)
2. On the Menu Bar choose Tools and further choose the Plugins menu option.
3. The Plugins dialog box opens up the Available Plugins tab by default; change the tab to Downloaded.
4. Click the "Add Plugins..." button; A window pops up; navigate to the directory where you downloaded the plugin(s) and add them. It shows up as visible in the figure.
File:Install the Plugins
5. Click the install button on the Bottom-left corner of the dialog box.
6. A confirmation window pops up; click Next to continue the installation.
File:NetBeans IDE Installer
7. Next you need to read the license agreement and accept it. The IReport plugin is licensed under the GNU General Public License.
8. Since the plugin would be designed by a 3rd party developer it may not be digitally signed and you would need to ignore and continue inspite of the Validation Warning if you are confirmed about the source of the plugin. If the plugin is signed and but not trusted, you'll need to continue passed this warning.
File:Certificate Verification
9. The plugin will install automatically.
10. Once the installation is finished, you should restart the IDE.
The installation of the Plugin is complete and it can now be used with the IDE.

Sumber : http://wiki.netbeans.org/InstallingAPlugin
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Cara mengatasi Limit Download di Google Drive

✓ 3 Cara Mengatasi Google Drive Limit Dalam 20 Detik

Google Drive, merupakan situs berbagi file yang sangat populer, yang memiliki quota upload besar dan juga speed yang terhitung sangat cepat..

..Tapi, sayangnya google drive memiliki limit akses, yaitu ketika file yang mau diambil telah mencapai batas tertentu, maka file tersebut akan terkunci, dan akan terdapat pesan seperti berikut:

Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time.
Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or d0wnlad the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator.

bypass google drive

Pesan tersebut, terjadi karena kuota terlampaui dari jumlah kuota yang tersedia. Dan sobat tidak bisa mengakses file tersebut dalam jangka waktu yang ditentukan..

Nah, akses limit Google drive ini, biasa terjadi ketika file yang mau sobat ambil, sedang banyak sekali yang mendownload. Bisa jadi file tersebut banyak yang butuh, atau file tersebut sedang tren..

Biasanya, saya dapat kuota limit di situs-situs film (anime) yang notabene mengupload episode per seminggu sekali..

..Tentunya banyak sekali yang ingin nonton episode yang ongoing tersebut, maka akses limit jadi sering terjadi pada server Google drive.

Selain itu, saya juga kadang menemukan limit akses Google drive di situs game. Apalagi game-game yang sedang trending.

Bagaimana cara mengatasi Google drive yang terkena Kuota limit?


Cara pertama, paling mudah sobat hanya perlu menunda sampai akses file tersebut dibuka kembali. Dari notifikasi yang tertera, akses file akan terbuka kembali dalam waktu 24 jam.
Masalahnya, 24 jam alias sehari, bukanlah waktu yang sedikit. Apalagi kalo kita sedang terburu-buru butuh file tersebut..

Apalagi saya.. Saya biasa pakai kuota malam (Ngalong).. Masa harus nunggu 24 jam terus? Lah kapan downloadnya 😂
Ditambah, mirror file yang tersedia, seperti upt*b*x, m3g4, Uplo4d3d dan sejenisnya speednya tidak secepat Google drive.. Padahal waktu jam kuota sangat terbatas.. Bisa-bisa waktu jadi terbuang sia-sia..
Nah, supaya Google drive tidak limit kuota, ada cara ampuh mengatasinya. Yaitu dengan meng-copy file tersebut ke drive pribadi kita.
Caranya mudah dan simpel, sobat hanya perlu akun Google yang masih aktif, untuk dijadikan tempat drive menyimpan file yang diinginkan tapi terkena limit tadi.

#1. Cara pertama atasi limit di Google Drive 


Pada link download google drive, terdapat ID file, yang ID tersebut bisa dicopy supaya file tadi bisa jadikan sebagai file kita.
Caranya seperti berikut:
Contohnya: https://drive.google.com/uc?id=0B1wRVZcXRXAlTS02b1drYi12TkE&export=download
Pada tulisan yang ditandai dengan warna biru, adalah ID dari file tersebut. Copy ID tersebut, lalu jadikan seperti berikut:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/KODE ID/view
Nah, jika sudah, buka alamat tersebut di browser sobat.

#2. Cara mengatasi limit kuota Google drive (Metode 2)


Jujur saja, metode pertama diatas untuk saya pribadi, agak merepotkan karena saya harus mengetik terlebih dahulu secara manual kode-kode viewnya. Sehingga lumayan menghabiskan waktu. Apalagi kalau file yang diinginkan jumlahnya banyak.
Nah, dengan metode kedua ini, sobat bisa lebih mudah mengatasi file yang terkena limit di Google drive dibanding metode yang pertama. Caranya:
Contoh file yang mau saya download:
Ada dua bagian yang saya tandai dengan warna merah dan biru.. 

Pertama : huruf uc ganti dengan open 

Kedua :  Hapus bagian &export=d0wnload.  

Jadinya seperti ini: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1wRVZcXRXAlTS02b1drYi12TkE

Jika sudah, buka alamat tersebut di browser sobat.
Metode satu dan dua, sama saja fungsinya, yaitu untuk me-reload halaman download, ke halaman view file. Dimana pada halaman view ini, sobat bisa menambahkan file yang diinginkan pada drive sobat. Nah, kita mulai caranya:

#3. Cara mengatasi Akses limit Google Drive


Pada tampilan layar view ini, sobat lihat ke bagian kanan atas, dimana ada logo Google drive dengan tanda +. Klik logo tersebut, untuk menambah file tadi ke dalam drive sobat.
logo google drive 1
Tunggu beberapa saat, jika sukses di add, akan muncul pesan added to my drive dan logonya akan berubah jadi seperti berikut:
google drive logo 2
Kemudian, buka link berikut: drive.google.com, pastikan juga sobat sudah terlogin ke dalam akun google sobat. Maka secara otomatis, link tersebut akan mengarah ke dalam drive milik sobat.
Kemudian, pada bagian atas, akan terlihat file yang telah sobat tambahkan tadi, pada menu quick access. Pada menu tersebut, klik kanan file yang ingin sobat d0wnload, kemudian klik 'Make a copy'. Berikut contoh gambarnya:
bypass limit google drive make copy
Tunggu beberapa saat, Google akan secara otomatis meng-copy file tersebut ke dalam drive pribadi sobat. Jika sudah, klik kanan file yang sudah tercopy tadi (Ditandai dengan nama "Copy of #nama-file#").
Lalu terakhir, klik Download. (Tunggu scanning virus selama beberapa saat).
Lalu klik Download anyway (Jika ada).
Dan selesai!
google drive selesai


Kesimpulannya.. Mudah kan? untuk mengatasi kuota yang limit di google drive? 😀😀 Cara ini hanya butuh waktu tidak sampai 20 detik, jika sobat sudah mengetahui caranya..

..Dengan ini, sobat tidak perlu pusing-pusing lagi soal masalah kuota yang terlampui di Google drive.
Oh iya, ada masalah failed to create file saat mengcopy file di google drive. Hal ini disebabkan karena penuhnya kapasitas drive storage google drive sobat.
Karena google, hanya membatasi kapasitas penyimpanan sebanyak 15GB. Jika sobat sobat mengcopy file tapi kapasitas penyimpanan tidak cukup, maka proses copy/salin akan jadi sangat lama dan diakhiri dengan gagalnya penyalinan. 
Cara mengatasinya, tentu saja dengan mendelete / hapus file yang sudah tidak diperlukan di My drive milik sobat. Caranya, klik kanan yang ingin dihapus kemudian klik remove.
google drive failed to create file

Jika sudah di remove, file tadi akan terpindah ke folder Trash, masuk folder tersebut, dan delete file tadi dengan klik delete forever. Maka file akan terhapus dari drive sobat.
Dengan demikian, error copy di google drive akan teratasi.

Nah.. perlu diperhatikan juga..
Tadi, saat kita menjalankan ketiga metode diatas, file orang lain secara otomatis akan masuk ke drive kita, tapi itu masih milik orang lain. Maka sobat harus teliti, untuk tidak salah menghapus file yang milik orang lain, dengan file hasil copy milik sobat / milik sobat sendiri. 
File yang dihapus, harus file milik sobat sendiri, bukan file milik orang lain. Jika file orang lain yang dihapus, maka tidak akan berpengaruh sama sekali terhadap kapasitas drive sobat.
Sekian, Cara Mengatasi Google Drive Kuota Limit dengan mudah. Cara diatas adalah cara yang biasa saya gunakan ketika ingin mendownload file di google drive tapi terkena limit akses. Semoga bisa membantu dan bermanfaat.
Terima kasih.
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